SimpleRPG: Tutorial Final!
Tutorial complete!
A simple godot project made using this tutorial here:
I am unlikely to continue development on the current project as is as it is more a hackjob meant for learning and doesn't follow best practices; a fact the creator acknowledges in later lessons. This simple 2D project consists of:
- One NPC and quest
- Picking up and using items
- A house and bed (sleeping to replenish health/mana)
- Randomly spawning, free roaming enemies
- A simple levelup system
- A sword and magic (fireball) attack
- Start and Game Menu
- Saving, loading and quiting game
- Creating a tile map
- Simple animations
- Audio and sound effects
You can view my repository here:
- Move -> Arrow Keys
- Attack -> Space Bar
- Fireball -> M
- Health Potion -> ,
- Mana Potion -> .
- Pause Game -> Shift Key
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Hi! Just wanted to let you know, I attempted to go to that David Pesce link and got a security warning from Firefox, and when I dismissed it to proceed anyway my browser tried downloading a file of an unrecognized type. Anyway, neat demo! I've been browsing around looking for inspiration as I mess around with Godot and this was a fun example. Have a good day!
Oh... Well, that's disappointing. It was a neat tutorial to work through! I'll leave the link up for now just in case the site being down is only temporary, but in the meantime, let me direct you to GameDev.TV's selection of Godot courses. They have some great stuff going on that I'll be jumping back into myself soon. Had to temporarily step away from game dev for health reasons.
Thank you for your response, I appreciate it; wishing you all the best!